Thursday, June 17, 2010

Why did I just spend $200 at the grocery store when the pantry and frig are full?

I went to two different grocery stores this evening sans children! Finally a chance to shop in peace. I got home with a van load of groceries and realized there was no where to put them. I found room for the frozen and refrigerated goods (definitely the beer, enjoying a nice cold Widmer right now, yum) and the rest are sitting in their nice little eco friendly reusable bags.
Tomorrow I will deal with the task of finding room for everything but tonight I decided to start this blog as a way to make myself accountable. My goals are to start planning meals and to work on using or donating what is already in the pantry. I have a side by side frig and freezer and an upright deep freeze in the basement. We have a large pantry and two corner cabinets completely full of food. That doesn't include the stockpile of tomatoes, green beans, and jelly I have canned and stored in the basement. There can't be that many staples that I absolutely must have right?
I'll start with the next three days. I'm leaving Sunday to go out of town to work so the meals being served at my house will most likely consist of take out pizza, PB and J, and showing up at Grandmas house at dinner time.

Breakfast- Chocolate chip pancakes and scrambled eggs
Lunch- Toasted cheese sandwiches, fresh fruit, yogurt
Snacks- Nutella on graham crackers, popcorn
Dinner- Cook out with church kids group

Breakfast- Sasuage, scrambled eggs, toast
Lunch- Chicken tenders, bow tie pasta and veggies in cheese sauce, applesauce
Snack- Fruit smoothie, goldfish crackers
Dinner- Shish ka bobs with steak, chicken, green peppers, onion, potatoes, green and yellow squash. Served with wild rice and brownies and ice cream for dessert. We're having friends over for dinner:)

Breakfast- Bacon,egg, and cheese sandwiches
Lunch- For me whatever I grab on the road, Daddy and kids are cooking out at his parents

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